日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20421 次
-- 使用函数的方法: --建立 演示环境 if object_id('tb_bookInfo') is not null drop table tb_bookInfo go create table tb_bookInfo(number int,name varchar(10),type int) insert tb_bookInfo select 1 ,'n1', 6 union all select 2 ,'n2', 3 if object_id('tb_bookType') is not null drop table tb_bookType go create table tb_bookType(id int,typeName varchar(10),parentid int) insert tb_bookType select 1,'英语',0 union all select 2,'生物',0 union all select 3,'计算机',0 union all select 4,'口语',1 union all select 5,'听力',1 union all select 6,'数据库',3 union all select 7,'软件工程',3 union all select 8,'SQL Server',6 select a.*,b.level from tb_bookInfo a,f_getC(3) b where a.type=b.id order by b.level /* number name type level ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 2 n2 3 0 1 n1 6 1 (所影响的行数为 2 行) */ --查所有父结点 if object_id('f_getP') is not null drop function f_getP go create function f_getP(@id int) returns @re table(id int,level int) as begin declare @l int set @l=0 insert @re select @id,@l while @@rowcount>0 begin set @l=@l+1 insert @re select a.parentid,@l from tb_bookType a,@re b where a.id=b.id and b.level=@l-1 and a.parentid<>0 end update @re set level=@l-level return end go --查所有子结点 if object_id('f_getC') is not null drop function f_getC go create function f_getC(@id int) returns @re table(id int,level int) as begin declare @l int set @l=0 insert @re select @id,@l while @@rowcount>0 begin set @l=@l+1 insert @re select a.id,@l from tb_bookType as a,@re as b where b.id=a.parentid and b.level=@l-1 end return end go --查所有父子结点 if object_id('f_getAll') is not null drop function f_getAll go create function f_getAll(@id int) returns @re table(id int,level int) as begin declare @l int set @l=0 insert @re select @id,@l while @@rowcount>0 begin set @l=@l+1 insert @re select a.parentid,@l from tb_bookType a,@re b where a.id=b.id and b.level=@l-1 and a.parentid<>0 end update @re set level=@l-level while @@rowcount>0 begin set @l=@l+1 insert @re select a.id,@l from tb_bookType as a,@re as b where b.id=a.parentid and b.level=@l-1 end return end go --删除演示 drop table tb_bookInfo drop table tb_bookType drop function f_getP drop function f_getC drop function f_getAll GO --sqlserver2005的新方法 -- 建立演示环境 IF OBJECT_ID('[Dept]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [Dept] GO CREATE TABLE Dept( id int PRIMARY KEY, parent_id int, name nvarchar(20)) INSERT Dept SELECT 1, 0, N'财务部' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 0, N'行政部' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 0, N'业务部' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 0, N'业务部' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 4, N'销售部' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 4, N'MIS' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 6, N'UI' UNION ALL SELECT 8, 6, N'软件开发' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 8, N'内部开发' GO --1、父-〉子 -- 查询指定部门下面的所有部门 DECLARE @Dept_name nvarchar(20) SET @Dept_name = N'MIS' ;WITH DEPTS AS( -- 定位点成员 SELECT * FROM Dept WHERE name = @Dept_name UNION ALL -- 递归成员, 通过引用CTE自身与Dept基表JOIN实现递归 SELECT A.* FROM Dept A, DEPTS B WHERE A.parent_id = B.id ) SELECT * FROM DEPTS GO --结果如下 /* id parent_id name ----------- ----------- -------------------- 6 4 MIS 7 6 UI 8 6 软件开发 9 8 内部开发 (所影响的行数为 4 行) */ --2、子-〉父 -- 查询指定部门下面的所有部门 DECLARE @Dept_name nvarchar(20) SET @Dept_name = N'内部开发' ;WITH DEPTS AS( -- 定位点成员 SELECT * FROM Dept WHERE name = @Dept_name --SELECT d.id,d.parent_id,d.name,convert(nvarchar(50),d.name)