日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20713 次
select sname, keylist=stuff((select ','+keyname from keywords_tb where charindex(','+rtrim(id)+',',','+a.keylist+',')>0 for xml path('')),1,1,'') from tblist a
try this,
create table tblist (id int, sname varchar(5), keylist varchar(20)) insert into tblist select 1, 'ABC', '1,2,3,4' union all select 2, 'BCD', '3,4,5' union all select 3, 'EEE', '6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13' union all select 4, 'FFF', '1,5,7' union all select 5, 'XXX', '6,8,9' union all select 6, 'PPP', '7,9,10,11,12,15' create table keywords_tb(id int, keyname varchar(5)) insert into keywords_tb select 1, 'k1' union all select 2, 'k2' union all select 3, 'k3' union all select 4, 'k4' union all select 5, 'k5' union all select 6, 'k6' union all select 7, 'k7' union all select 8, 'k8' union all select 9, 'k9' union all select 10, 'k10' union all select 11, 'k11' union all select 12, 'k12' union all select 13, 'k13' union all select 14, 'k14' union all select 15, 'k15' union all select 16, 'k16' with t as (select c.id,d.keyname from (select a.id, substring(a.keylist,b.number,charindex(',',a.keylist+',',b.number)-b.number) ak from tblist a inner join master.dbo.spt_values b on b.[type]='P' and substring(','+a.keylist,b.number,1)=',') c inner join keywords_tb d on c.ak=d.id), t3 as (select t1.id, cast((select t2.keyname+',' from t t2 where t2.id=t1.id for xml path('')) as varchar) ak2 from t t1 group by t1.id ) select a.id 'col0',b.sname 'col1', left(a.ak2,len(a.ak2)-1) 'col2' from t3 a inner join tblist b on a.id=b.id order by a.id col0 col1 col2 ----------- ----- ------------------------------ 1 ABC k1,k2,k3,k4 2 BCD k3,k4,k5 3 EEE k6,k7,k8,k9,k10,k11,k12,k13 4 FFF k1,k5,k7 5 XXX k6,k8,k9 6 PPP k7,k9,k10,k11,k12,k15 (6 row(s) affected)