日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20671 次

orderId orderSummoney invoiceId invoiceDate invoiceMoney payId paydate payMoney
001 10000 FP001 2011-11-11 2000 NULL NULL NULL 
001 10000 FP002 2011-11-12 3000 NULL NULL NULL 
001 10000 FP003 2011-11-13 5000 NULL NULL NULL 
001 10000 NULL NULL NULL P002 2011-11-12 3000
001 10000 NULL NULL NULL P003 2011-11-12 7000

orderId orderSummoney invoiceId invoiceDate invoiceMoney payId payDate payMoney
001 10000 FP001 2011-11-11 2000 P002 2011-11-12 3000
001 10000 FP002 2011-11-12 3000 P003 2011-11-12 7000
001 10000 FP003 2011-11-13 5000 NULL NULL NULL 


SQL code

create table t1
    oid varchar(3),
    summoney int,
    iid varchar(20),
    idate datetime,
    imoney int,
    pid varchar(10),
    pdate datetime,
    pmoney int
insert into t1
select '001', 10000, 'FP001', '2011-11-11', 2000, NULL, NULL, NULL union all
select '001', 10000, 'FP002', '2011-11-12', 3000, NULL, NULL, NULL union all 
select '001', 10000, 'FP003', '2011-11-13', 5000, NULL, NULL, NULL union all
select '001', 10000, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'P002', '2011-11-12', 3000 union all
select '001', 10000, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'P003', '2011-11-12', 7000
select * from t1

;with aaa as
    select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate()) as row1,* from t1 where pid is null and pdate is null and pmoney is null
select a.oid,a.summoney,a.iid,a.idate,a.imoney,b.pid,b.pdate,b.pmoney from aaa as a left join
(select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by getdate()) as row2,* from t1 where iid is null and idate is null and imoney is null) as b
on a.row1=b.row2

oid    summoney    iid    idate    imoney    pid    pdate    pmoney
001    10000    FP001    2011-11-11 00:00:00.000    2000    P002    2011-11-12 00:00:00.000    3000
001    10000    FP002    2011-11-12 00:00:00.000    3000    P003    2011-11-12 00:00:00.000    7000
001    10000    FP003    2011-11-13 00:00:00.000    5000    NULL    NULL    NULL