日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20503 次
create table tb(jldw nvarchar(20)) insert into tb select '0.4-4.6 pg/mL' insert into tb select '<125 pg/mL' insert into tb select '<15 ??ol/L' insert into tb select '0.8-2.0 ng/mL' insert into tb select '5.1-14.1 ??/dL' insert into tb select '2.0-4.4 pg/mL' insert into tb select '0.93-1.7 ng/dL' insert into tb select '0.27-4.2 ??U/mL' insert into tb select '98 - 107 mmol/L' insert into tb select '22 - 29 mmol/L' insert into tb select '60-117 mg/dL-females' insert into tb select '66-133 mg/dL males' go select distinct * from( select right(jldw,charindex(' ',REVERSE(jldw))-1)jldw from tb )t where charindex('?',jldw)=0 and charindex('-',jldw)=0 and charindex('/',jldw)>0 /* jldw -------------------- mmol/L ng/dL ng/mL pg/mL (4 行受影响) */ go drop table tb