日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20560 次

关于COUNT 查询的求助
select * from 
(select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '10' ) a, 
(select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '11') b 
结果是 一条记录里,两个字段
good good
 10 11 
请问要怎样把结果变成 两条记录,同一字段呢

select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '10'
union all
select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '11'
SQL code
select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '10'
union all
select count(id) as good from table where id between '1' and '11'