日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20638 次

create table xs(
id int IDENTITY (1,1) primary key,
姓名 char(10),
科目 char(20),
分数 int)
insert into xs values('张三','语文',90)
insert into xs values('张三','数学',77)
insert into xs values('张三','英语',99)
insert into xs values('李四','语文',83)
insert into xs values('李四','数学',87)
insert into xs values('李四','英语',85)
insert into xs values('王五','语文',94)
insert into xs values('王五','数学',88)
insert into xs values('王五','英语',93)


SQL code

select * from xs a where not exists(select * from xs where a.分数<分数 and a.科目=科目 )

;with cte AS
 select *,rowNum=ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by 科目 order by 分数 desc) from xs
select * from cte where rowNum=1

SQL code
;with cte(科目,分数)
select 科目,max(分数) from xs 
group by 科目
select a.* from xs a,cte b
where a.科目=b.科目 and a.分数=b.分数 
(3 行受影响)
id 姓名  科目  分数
-- ----  ----   --
7    王五          语文                    94
3    张三          英语                    99
8    王五          数学                    88

SQL code
;with cte(id,姓名,科目,分数,分组排名)
select id,姓名,科目,分数,分组排名=RANK()over(partition by 科目 order by 分数 desc)
 from xs
select id,姓名,科目,分数 from cte
where 分组排名=1
order by id