日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20535 次

SQL code

f1        listdate        remark
c          2011-12-12       
a          2011-12-02       123
b          2011-11-01       44rr4
c          2011-12-01       774
c          2011-12-09       oiiie2
d          2011-12-2        
a          2011-11-02       234

SQL code

f1        listdate        remark
a          2011-12-02       123
b          2011-11-01       44rr4
c          2011-12-09       oiiie2


SQL code
select * 
from #t1 a 
where remark is not null --如果不为空串,则 remark<>'' 下同
and not exists(select 1 from #t1 where f1=a.f1 and remark is not null and listdate>a.listdate)

SQL code
 #t1 t 
 remark is not null 
 not exists(select 1 from #t1 where f1=t.f1 and remark is not null and listdate>t.listdate)

SQL code
select *
from #t1 a
where remark is not null --如果不为空串,则 remark<>'' 下同
and not exists(select 1 from #t1 where f1=a.f1 and remark is not null and listdate>a.listdate)

SQL code

create table #t1
(f1 char(3),
listdate date,
remark varchar(9))

insert into #t1
select 'c', '2011-12-12', '' union all       
select 'a', '2011-12-02', '123' union all
select 'b', '2011-11-01', '44rr4' union all
select 'c', '2011-12-01', '774' union all
select 'c', '2011-12-09', 'oiiie2' union all
select 'd', '2011-12-2', '' union all       
select 'a', '2011-11-02', '234'

select a.* 
from #t1 a
inner join
(select f1,max(listdate) maxlistdate
from #t1 where remark<>'' group by f1) b
on a.f1=b.f1 and a.listdate=b.maxlistdate

f1   listdate   remark
---- ---------- ---------
a    2011-12-02 123
b    2011-11-01 44rr4
c    2011-12-09 oiiie2

(3 row(s) affected)

SQL code

create table #t1
(f1 char(3),
listdate date,
remark varchar(9))

insert into #t1
select 'c', '2011-12-12', '' union all
select 'a', '2011-12-02', '123' union all
select 'b……

select top 1 * from tb where remark is not null order by listdate desc
select top 1 * from tb where remark is not null order by listdate desc

select t.* from tb t where remark is not null and listdate = (select max(listdate) from tb where f1 = t.f1 and remark is not null)

select t.* from tb t where remark is not null and not exists (select 1 from tb where f1 = t.f1 and remark is not null and listdate > t.listdate)

SQL code

if object_id('tb') is not null
   drop table tb
create table tb
 f1 varchar(10),
 listdate varchar(10),
 remark varchar(10)
insert into tb
select 'c','2011-12-12','' union all
select 'a','2011-12-02','123' union all
select 'b','2011-11-01','44rr4' union all
select 'c','2011-12-01','774' union all
select 'c','2011-12-09','oiiie2' union all
select 'd','2011-12-2','' union all
select 'a','2011-11-02','234'
select * from tb