日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20635 次
if object_id('tempdb..#tb') is not null drop table #tb go create table #tb ( datev datetime,--统计日期 gameid int,--游戏ID coin int,--获得金币 userid int--会员ID ) go insert into #tb select '2011-12-20',1,100,1 union all select '2011-12-20',2,100,1 union all select '2011-12-20',1,-100,2 union all select '2011-12-20',1,100,3 union all select '2011-12-20',2,-200,3 union all select '2011-12-21',2,100,1 union all select '2011-12-21',1,500,2 union all select '2011-12-21',2,-200,3 go --目的是统计出某时段内所有游戏获得金币总和的排行,条件是当日所有游戏获得金币的总和小于0则不参与排行 --这是我目前用的,但很慢,数据只有60W条左右 declare @date1 datetime,@date2 datetime set @date1='2011-12-1' set @date2='2011-12-30' select top 100 userid,sum(ct) as ctA from ( select userid,sum(coin) as ct,datev from #tb with(nolock) where userid not in(5,6,7,10,21...这里偶尔会手动添加些不参与排行的会员ID) and datev>=@date1 and datev<=@date2 group by userid,datev HAVING sum(coin)>0 ) as uct group by userid order by ctA desc
select datev,userid,sum(coin)ct into # from #tb where userid not in(5,6,7,10,21) and datev>=@date1 and datev<=@date2 group by datev,userid having sum(coin)>0 select top 100 userid,sum(ct) as ctA from # group by userid order by 2 desc