日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20722 次

id socre type  
1 50 1
1 40 1
1 30 2
1 40 2
1 70 11
1 60 11

条件 : 如果表中存在tpye = 11 的则取 tpye = 11 的记录分数总和
  如果表中不存在 tpye = 11 则取 type = 2 的记录分数总和
  如果表中不存在 type = 2 则取 type = 1 的记录分数总和

SQL code

declare @t table (id int,socre int,type int)
insert into @t
select 1,50,1 union all
select 1,40,1 union all
select 1,30,2 union all
select 1,40,2 union all
select 1,70,11 union all
select 1,60,11

if(exists (select 1 from @t where type=11))
select * from @t where type=11

if(not exists (select 1 from @t where type=11))
    if(not exists (select 1 from @t where type=2))
        select * from @t where type=1
        select * from @t where type=2


SQL code
--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據
if not object_id('Tempdb..#T') is null
    drop table #T
Create table #T([id] int,[socre] int,[type] int)
Insert #T
select 1,50,1 union all
select 1,40,1 union all
select 1,30,2 union all
select 1,40,2 union all
select 1,70,11 union all
select 1,60,11
--如果表中存在tpye = 11 的则取 tpye = 11 的记录分数总和
--  如果表中不存在 tpye = 11 则取 type = 2 的记录分数总和
--  如果表中不存在 type = 2 则取 type = 1 的记录分数总和
Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where [type]=11 group by [type]
union all
Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where not exists(select 1 from #T where [type]=11) and [type]=2 group by [type]
union all
Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where not exists(select 1 from #T where [type] in(2,11)) and [type]=1 group by [type]

SQL code

if object_id('tb') is not null
   drop table tb
create table tb
 id int,
 socre int,
 type int
insert into tb
select 1,50,1 union all
select 1,40,1 union all
select 1,30,2 union all
select 1,40,2 union all
select 1,70,11 union all
select 1,60,11
if exists(select 1 from tb where type=11)
   select sum(socre) from tb where type=11
else if exists(select 1 from tb where type=2)
   select sum(socre) from tb where type=2
else if exists(select 1 from tb where type=1)
   select sum(socre) from tb where type=1

(1 行受影响)
