日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20722 次
declare @t table (id int,socre int,type int) insert into @t select 1,50,1 union all select 1,40,1 union all select 1,30,2 union all select 1,40,2 union all select 1,70,11 union all select 1,60,11 if(exists (select 1 from @t where type=11)) select * from @t where type=11 if(not exists (select 1 from @t where type=11)) begin if(not exists (select 1 from @t where type=2)) select * from @t where type=1 else select * from @t where type=2 end
--> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tempdb..#T') is null drop table #T Go Create table #T([id] int,[socre] int,[type] int) Insert #T select 1,50,1 union all select 1,40,1 union all select 1,30,2 union all select 1,40,2 union all select 1,70,11 union all select 1,60,11 Go --如果表中存在tpye = 11 的则取 tpye = 11 的记录分数总和 -- 如果表中不存在 tpye = 11 则取 type = 2 的记录分数总和 -- 如果表中不存在 type = 2 则取 type = 1 的记录分数总和 Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where [type]=11 group by [type] union all Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where not exists(select 1 from #T where [type]=11) and [type]=2 group by [type] union all Select [type],[socre]=SUM([socre]) from #T where not exists(select 1 from #T where [type] in(2,11)) and [type]=1 group by [type]
--楼主是要分组合计,还是按条件合计的 if object_id('tb') is not null drop table tb go create table tb ( id int, socre int, type int ) go insert into tb select 1,50,1 union all select 1,40,1 union all select 1,30,2 union all select 1,40,2 union all select 1,70,11 union all select 1,60,11 go if exists(select 1 from tb where type=11) select sum(socre) from tb where type=11 else if exists(select 1 from tb where type=2) select sum(socre) from tb where type=2 else if exists(select 1 from tb where type=1) select sum(socre) from tb where type=1 go /* ----------- 130 (1 行受影响) */