日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:21148 次
select city,district,count(*) from tb group by city,district select city,count(distinct code) from tb group by city select distinct code from tb
use Tempdb go --> --> if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#T') is null drop table #T Go Create table #T([Code] int,[city] int,[district] int) Insert #T select 305,23,10 union all select 305,23,14 union all select 305,23,14 union all select 305,23,14 union all select 305,24,9 union all select 802,2,3 union all select 802,2,4 union all select 802,2,3 union all select 803,5,6 Go Select [Code], [city]=CASE WHEN GROUPING([Code])=0 AND GROUPING(district)=1 OR GROUPING([Code])=1 THEN '*' ELSE RTRIM([city]) end, [district]=CASE WHEN GROUPING([Code])=0 AND GROUPING(district)=1 OR GROUPING([Code])=1 THEN 'sum' ELSE RTRIM(district) end, COUNT(1) AS TotalCount from #T GROUP BY [Code],[city],district WITH rollup HAVING GROUPING([Code])=0 /* Code city district TotalCount 305 23 10 1 305 23 14 3 305 * sum 4 305 24 9 1 305 * sum 1 305 * sum 5 802 2 3 2 802 2 4 1 802 * sum 3 802 * sum 3 803 5 6 1 803 * sum 1 803 * sum 1 */