日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20628 次

sql 查询中 非主键不能相同的问题。帮忙解决非常感谢。
id (唯一), name , organ(机构), branch(部门),ordernumber(订单)
001 张三 北京 财务 20
005 李四 北京 财务 42
007 赵六 上海 财务 56

001 张三 北京 财务 20
007 赵六 上海 财务 56


SQL code
select t.* from tb t where ordernumber = 10 and id = (select min(id) from tb where organ = t.organ and branch = t.branch and ordernumber = 10) 

select t.* from tb t where ordernumber = 10 and id = (select max(id) from tb where organ = t.organ and branch = t.branch and ordernumber = 10) 

select t.* from tb t where ordernumber = 10 and not exists (select 1 from tb where organ = t.organ and branch = t.branch and ordernumber = 10 and id < t.id)
select t.* from tb t where ordernumber = 10 and not exists (select 1 from tb where organ = t.organ and branch = t.branch and ordernumber = 10 and id > t.id)

SQL code
select * from tb t where ordernumber = 10 and id = (select max(id) from tb where organ=t.organ and branch=t.branch and ordernumber=10)

