日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20685 次
Public Function ExecuteSynEx(ByVal strConn As String, _ ByVal strTableName As String, _ ByVal bIsIdentity As Long, _ ByVal strAddSQL As Variant, _ ByVal strUpdSQL As Variant, _ ByVal strDelSQL As Variant, _ ByRef ReturnMsg As String) As Boolean 10 On Error GoTo HError Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim lInterID As Long, lTransType As Long Dim i As Long Dim strSQL As String Dim obj As Object Dim lSQLCount As Long '20 GetObjectContext.SetAbort 30 ExecuteSynEx = False 40 Set cn = New ADODB.Connection 50 cn.Open strConn 60 cn.CursorLocation = adUseClient 70 cn.CommandTimeout = 3600 '80 cn.Execute "alter table " & strTableName & " nocheck constraint all" If bIsIdentity = 1 Then cn.Execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT " & strTableName & " on" End If 90 Set obj = CreateObject("KFOX.StringBuilder") 100 lSQLCount = 0 110 For i = LBound(strDelSQL) To UBound(strDelSQL) 120 strSQL = Trim(strDelSQL(i)) 130 If Len(strSQL) > 0 Then 140 lSQLCount = lSQLCount + 1 150 obj.Append strSQL 160 End If 170 If lSQLCount = 100 Then 180 cn.Execute obj.StringValue 190 obj.Remove 1, obj.length 200 lSQLCount = 0 210 If cn.Errors.Count > 0 Then 220 Err.Raise -1, "ExecuteSynEx", cn.Errors.Item(0).Description 230 End If 240 End If 250 Next i 260 If lSQLCount > 0 Then 270 cn.Execute obj.StringValue 280 obj.Remove 1, obj.length 290 lSQLCount = 0 300 If cn.Errors.Count > 0 Then 310 Err.Raise -1, "ExecuteSynEx", cn.Errors.Item(0).Description 320 End If 330 End If 340 Set obj = Nothing 350 Set obj = CreateObject("KFOX.StringBuilder") 360 lSQLCount = 0 370 For i = LBound(strAddSQL) To UBound(strAddSQL) 380 strSQL = Trim(strAddSQL(i)) 390 If Len(strSQL) > 0 Then 400 lSQLCount = lSQLCount + 1 410 obj.Append strSQL 420 End If 430 If lSQLCount = 100 Then 440 cn.Execute obj.StringValue 450 obj.Remove 1, obj.length 460 lSQLCount = 0 470 If cn.Errors.Count > 0 Then 480 Err.Raise -1, "ExecuteSynEx", cn.Errors.Item(0).Description 490 End If 500 End If 510 Next i 520 If lSQLCount > 0 Then 530 cn.Execute obj.StringValue 540 obj.Remove 1, obj.length 550 lSQLCount = 0 560 If cn.Errors.Count > 0 Then 570 Err.Raise -1, "ExecuteSynEx", cn.Errors.Item(0).Description 580 End If 590 End If 600 Set obj = Nothing 610 Set obj = CreateObject("KFOX.StringBuilder") 620 lSQLCount = 0 630 For i = LBound(strUpdSQL) To UBound(strUpdSQL) 640 strSQL = Trim(strUpdSQL(i)) 650 If Len(strSQL) > 0 Then 660 lSQLCount = lSQLCount + 1 670 obj.Append strSQL 680 End If 690 If lSQLCount = 100 Then 700 cn.Execute obj.StringValue 710 obj.Remove 1, obj.length 720 lSQLCount = 0 730 If cn.Errors.Count > 0 T