日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20641 次
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetPy](@Str varchar(500)='') returns varchar(500) as begin --定义变量 declare @strlen int, @return varchar(500), @ii int declare @n int, @c char(1),@chn nchar(1) --设置初始值 select @strlen=len(@str),@return='',@ii=0 set @ii=0 --开始循环取出没个字符 while @ii<@strlen begin select @ii=@ii+1,@n=63,@chn=substring(@str,@ii,1) if @chn>'z' select @n = @n +1 ,@c = case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end from( select top 27 * from( select chn = '吖' union all select '八' union all select '嚓' union all select '咑' union all select '妸' union all select '发' union all select '旮' union all select '铪' union all select '丌' --because have no 'i' union all select '丌' union all select '咔' union all select '垃' union all select '嘸' union all select '拏' union all select '噢' union all select '妑' union all select '七' union all select '呥' union all select '仨' union all select '他' union all select '屲' --no 'u' union all select '屲' --no 'v' union all select '屲' union all select '夕' union all select '丫' union all select '帀' union all select @chn ) as a order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS ) as b else set @c=@chn set @return=@return+@c end return(@return) end
create function fun_getPY(@str nvarchar(4000)) returns nvarchar(4000) as begin declare @word nchar(1),@PY nvarchar(4000),@i int set @PY='' set @i=1 while (substring(@str,@i,1)<>'' or @i<=len(@str)) begin set @word=substring(@str,@i,1) --如果非汉字字符,返回原字符 set @PY=@PY+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then (select top 1 PY from ( select 'A' as PY,N'驁' as word union all select 'B',N'簿' union all select 'C',N'錯' union all select 'D',N'鵽' union all select 'E',N'樲' union all select 'F',N'鰒' union all select 'G',N'腂' union all select 'H',N'夻' union all select 'J',N'攈' union all select 'K',N'穒' union all select 'L',N'鱳' union all select 'M',N'旀' union all select 'N',N'桛' union all select 'O',N'漚' union all select 'P',N'曝' union all select 'Q',N'囕' union all select 'R',N'鶸' union all select 'S',N'蜶' union all select 'T',N'籜' union all select 'W',N'鶩' union all select 'X',N'鑂' union all select 'Y',N'韻' union all select 'Z',N'咗' ) T where word>=@word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS order by PY ASC) else @word end) set @i=@i+1 end return @PY end --函数调用实例: select