日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20672 次

table1 id, bianhao,col,yj1, yj2, yj3, yj4
  1, 1, a1,NULL,NULL,意见,意见
  2, 1, a5,NULL,NULL,意见,意见
  3, 2, a3,NULL,NULL,意见,意见
  4, 2, a3,意见,意见,意见,意见
  5, 1, a1,意见,NULL,NULL,NULL
 现在就是bianhao,col 有重复的内容,想把它选出来怎么写,谢谢~!

SQL code
select * from table1 a
 where exists(select 1 from table1 where bianhao=a.bianhao and col=a.col and id<>a.id)

SQL code
create table table1(id int,bianhao int,col varchar(10),yj1 varchar(10),yj2 varchar(10),yj3 varchar(10),yj4 varchar(10))
insert into table1 select 1, 1,'a1',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 2, 1,'a5',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 3, 2,'a3',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 4, 2,'a3','意见','意见','意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 5, 1,'a1','意见',NULL,NULL,NULL
select * from table1 where id in(select a.id from table1 a inner join table1 b on a.id<>b.id and a.bianhao=b.bianhao and a.col=b.col)
id          bianhao     col        yj1        yj2        yj3        yj4
----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1           1           a1         NULL       NULL       意见         意见
3           2           a3         NULL       NULL       意见         意见
4           2           a3         意见         意见         意见         意见
5           1           a1         意见         NULL       NULL       NULL

(4 行受影响)

drop table table1

SQL code

create table table1(id int,bianhao int,col varchar(10),yj1 varchar(10),yj2 varchar(10),yj3 varchar(10),yj4 varchar(10))
insert into table1 select 1, 1,'a1',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 2, 1,'a5',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 3, 2,'a3',NULL,NULL,'意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 4, 2,'a3','意见','意见','意见','意见'
insert into table1 select 5, 1,'a1','意见',NULL,NULL,NULL

select * from table1 where CHECKSUM(bianhao,col) in(select CHECKSUM(bianhao,col) from table1 group by bianhao,col having count(1)>1)

drop table table1
/*id          bianhao     col        yj1        yj2        yj3        yj4
----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1           1           a1         NULL       NULL       意见         意见
3           2           a3         NULL       NULL       意见         意见
4           2           a3         意见         意见         意见         意见
5           1           a1         意见         NULL       NULL       NULL

(4 行受影响)

SQL code

if object_id('tb') is not null
   drop table tb
create table tb
 id int,
 bianhao int,
 col varchar(10),
 yj1 varchar(10),
 yj2 varchar(10),
 yj3 varchar(10),
 yj4 varchar(10)
insert into tb (id,bianhao,col,yj1,yj2,yj3,yj4)
select 1,1,'a1',null,null,'意见','意见' union all
select 2,1,'a5',null,null,'意见','意见' union all
select 3,2,'a3',null,null,'意见','意见' union all
select 4,2,'a3','意见','意见','意见','意见' union all
select 5,1,'a1','意见',null,null,null
delete a from tb a where exists(select 1 from tb where bianhao=a.bianhao and id<a.id)
select * from tb
id          bianhao     col        yj1        yj2        yj3        yj4
----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1           1           a1         NULL       NULL       意见         意见
3           2           a3         NULL       NULL       意见         意见

(2 行受影响)

delete a from tb a where exists(select 1 from tb where bianhao=a.bianhao or col=a.col and id<a.id)