日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20614 次
create procedure roomcount @rtype varchar(20), @count int output as declare @cc int,@aa Nvarchar(2000),@Bookin int --改nvarchar select @Bookin=sum(bo_amount) --改 from Bookin where R_id=@rtype set @aa=' select @cc=isnull(count(*),0) from Rooms --改@@c where R_id='''+ @rtype + '''and r_no not in ( select rooms.r_no from cusroom ,rooms where cusroom.r_no=rooms.r_no and state=1 union select rooms.r_no from SBookroom,rooms where SBookroom.r_no=rooms.r_no and state=1)' exec sp_executesql @aa,N'@cc int output',@cc output --改 set @count=@cc-cast(isnull(@Bookin,0)) --改