日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20610 次
select isnull(name,'小计') name,sum(value) value from tb group by name with rollup
select name,sum(value) as values from tb group by name union all select '小计',sum(value) as values from tb
select isnull(Name,'小计') as Name,sum(value) as value from 表 group by Name with rollup
select name,sum(value) value from tb group by name union all select '小计' name,sum(value) value from tb
declare @t table(ID int,Name varchar(10),value numeric(4,1)) insert into @t values(1,'A',1.0 ) insert into @t values(2,'A',2.0 ) insert into @t values(3,'B',15.0) insert into @t values(4,'B',12.0) insert into @t values(5,'A',25.0) select isnull(Name,'小计') as Name,sum(value) as value from @t group by Name with rollup /* Name value ---------- ---------------------------------------- A 28.0 B 27.0 小计 55.0 */
create table tb(ID int, Name varchar(101),value numeric(10,1)) insert into tb select 1, 'A', 1.0 union all select 2, 'A', 2.0 union all select 3, 'B', 15.0 union all select 4, 'B', 12.0 union all select 5, 'A', 25.0 select case when (grouping(name)=1) then '合计' else isnull(name,'unknow') end as name,sum(value) as value from tb group by name with cube /* name value ----------------- A 28.0 B 27.0 合计 55.0 */ drop table tb