日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20493 次
每天的最大值--convert(varhcar(10),RsTime,120)--显示天作为组 group by StationID ,convert(varhcar(10),RsTime,120) CREATE PROCEDURE GetMaxEx @Beginning_Date datetime, @EndDate datetime AS begin select d.StationName,d.xian,d.height,d.Longitude,d.Latitude, c.* from ( select StationID, convert(varhcar(10),RsTime,120) as 天 max_val=max(Temperature), time_at_max=min(RsTime) from (select StationID, RsTime,Temperature from zdzRecord where RsTime> = @Beginning_Date and RsTime <@EndDate and Temperature> -9999) a where a.Temperature=(select max(Temperature) from zdzRecord where DATEDIFF(RsTime,aRsTime)=0 --条件 RsTime> =@Beginning_Date and RsTime <@EndDate and StationID=a.StationID ) group by StationID ,convert(varhcar(10),RsTime,120) --加上 ) c, StationInfo d where c.StationID = d.StationID order by d.xian end GO
SELECT a.* FROM tb a INNER JOIN (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RsTime,120) dd,MAX(Temperature) mp FROM tb WHERE RsTime >= @Beginning_Date AND RsTime <@EndDate AND Temperature> -9999 GROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RsTime,120) )b ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),RsTime,120)=dd AND Temperature=mp