日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20742 次
tba ID classid name 1 1,2,3 西服 2 2,3 中山装 3 1,3 名裤 tbb id classname 1 衣服 2 上衣 3 裤子 我得的结果是 id classname name 1 衣服,上衣,裤子 西服 2 上衣,裤子 中山装 3 衣服,裤子 名裤 create table tba(ID int,classid varchar(20),name varchar(10)) insert into tba values(1,'1,2,3','西服') insert into tba values(2,'2,3' ,'中山装') insert into tba values(3,'1,3' ,'名裤') create table tbb(ID varchar(10), classname varchar(10)) insert into tbb values('1','衣服') insert into tbb values('2','上衣') insert into tbb values('3','裤子') go --第1种方法,创建函数来显示 create function f_hb(@id varchar(10)) returns varchar(1000) as begin declare @str varchar(1000) set from #t insert into #t select * from #t2 drop table #t2 end go select id_no,convert(char,in_date,120) as in_date from #t a; drop table #t,a;
ID name others
101 语文 ....
103 数学 ...
201 英语 ....
name ID_A
张三 101,103
李四 103,201
select A.* from A,B where charindex(a.id,b.ID_A)>0
select t1.* from A t1 ,B t2 where charindex(','+ID+',',','t2.ID_A+',')>0 and t2.name=张三
declare @a table (id varchar(10),name varchar(10)) insert into @a select '101','语文' insert into @a select '103','数学' insert into @a select '201','英语' declare @b table (name varchar(10),id_a varchar(50)) insert into @b select '张三','101,103' insert into @b select '李四','103,201' select * from @a a,@b b where charindex(a.id,b.id_a)>0 and b.name='张三'