日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20497 次

A A当年总的销售量
B B当年总的销售量
C C当年总的销售量
D D当年总的销售量


SQL code
select * from tb
union all
select null,null,sum(销售量),店铺 from tb group by 店铺

SQL code
 SELECT 销售量from tb where 店铺名='A' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT 销售量from tb where 店铺名='B' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT 销售量from tb where 店铺名='C' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT 销售量from tb where 店铺名='D' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())

SQL code
  SELECT SUM(销售量) from tb where 店铺名='A' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT SUM(销售量) from tb where 店铺名='B' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT SUM(销售量) from tb where 店铺名='C' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())
SELECT SUM(销售量) from tb where 店铺名='D' and 日期=datepart (y,getdate())

SQL code
select * from tb
union all
select null,null,sum(销售量),店铺 from tb group by 店铺