------解决方案--------------------declare @n varchar(30)
declare @key varchar(20)
set @key= '关键字 '
declare cur cursor for
select a.name from syscolumns a Inner Join systypes b on a.id=b.id where id=object_id( '表 ') and b.name in( 'varchar ', 'char ', 'nvarchar ', 'nchar ', 'sysname ')
fetch next from cur into @n
while @@fetch_status=0
if exists(select 1 from [表] where charindex(@key,@n)> 0)
print @n + '中存在! '
fetch next from cur into @n
close cur
写简单点需要两个参数,一个表名 一个关键字,你可以从前台程序传过来
declare @key varchar(50)
declare @tableName varchar(50)
select name from syscolumns where id = OBJECT_ID(@tableName) and name = @key
create table abc(a int,b bit,c numeric(8,2),d float,e datetime,f char(10),g nvarchar(10))
insert abc select 123,1,123.45,1/3,getdate(), 'b12ab ', 'e512abc '
insert abc select null,null,null,1/3,null, 'b12ab ', 'e512abc '
declare @sql varchar(1000),@key varchar(50),@tb varchar(20)
select @sql= ' ',@key= '12 ',@tb= 'abc '---@tb表名,@key 关键
select @sql=@sql+ 'or charindex( ' ' '+@key+ ' ' ',rtrim( '+a.name+ '))> 0 '
from syscolumns a,systypes b where id=object_id( 'abc ')
and a.xtype=b.xusertype
and b.name in( 'char ', 'varchar ', 'nchar ', 'nchar ', 'int ', 'numeric ', 'float ')
---这个and 在这里可以不要,你可以调整in中的内容
select @sql= 'select * from '+@tb+ ' where '+stuff(@sql,1,2, ' ')
exec (@sql)
123 1 123.45 0.0 2007-06-13 22:31:28.850 b12ab e512abc
NULL NULL NULL 0.0 NULL b12ab e512abc