很棘手的分页SQL语句中的ORDER BY clause (Item) conflicts with DISTINCT
1. 有唯一主键Job_No,非自动增长列
2. 排序字段:--〉单据状态(StatusNo),出单时间,生成单据时间排序.
3. 一个单据同一时间只有一种状态.
问题出在我用这个来排序时,产生ORDER BY clause ( StatusNo ) conflicts with DISTINCT. 这是因为多个单据拥有相同状态造成的.
//生成的例句 (没有带DISTINCT,带了就会出错)
select * FROM
( select top 15 Job_NO,C_ID,C.Customer_Name,StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date FROM EServices,Customers C where Job_No not in
( select top 30 Job_No FROM EServices,Customers C where (1> 0) and C.ID= EServices.C_ID Order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date DESC
and C.ID= EServices.C_ID order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date DESC
as TempTB order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date ASC
select * 之后,或存入临时表在处理阿。
------解决方案--------------------select distinct * from
select * FROM
( select top 15 Job_NO,C_ID,C.Customer_Name,StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date FROM EServices,Customers C where Job_No not in
( select top 30 Job_No FROM EServices,Customers C where (1> 0) and C.ID= EServices.C_ID Order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date DESC
and C.ID= EServices.C_ID order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date DESC
as TempTB order by StatusNo,Pay_Date,Create_Date ASC