select * from duizhao as tmp
where exists
select * from duizhao as tmpA
where exists
select 1 from t_login
where 用户名= 'alibaba ' and charindex(rtrim(tmpA.gsid), 查询范围)> 0
) and zyid = tmp.zyid
where gsid =
(case when 输入参数 in null then gsid else gsid in
(select * from duizhao as tmp
where exists
select * from duizhao as tmpA
where exists
select 1 from t_login
where 用户名= 'alibaba ' and charindex(rtrim(tmpA.gsid), 查询范围)> 0
) and zyid = tmp.zyid
------解决方案--------------------where gsid =
(case when 输入参数 in null then gsid else gsid in
(select * from duizhao as tmp
------解决方案--------------------where gsid =
(case when 输入参数 in null then gsid else gsid in
(select max(gsid)--指定duizhao表对应的列名(如果结果集有多个时要定义取大或取小的值)
from duizhao as tmp
where exists
select * from duizhao as tmpA
where exists
select 1 from t_login
where 用户名= 'alibaba ' and charindex(rtrim(tmpA.gsid), 查询范围)> 0
) and zyid = tmp.zyid