union 与order by 联合使用问题解决方案
1、select '前20位单品 ' Col1, ' ' Col2, ' ' Col3, ' ' Col4
2、select top 20 b.spbm,b.spmc,cast(sum(a.spsl) as varchar(20)) 数量,cast(sum(a.zxssze) as varchar(20)) 金额
from uv_saledetail a,uv_spbaseinfo b
where a.spbm=b.spbm and posid in ( '31 ', '32 ') and xsrq= '2007-01-13 '
group by b.spbm,b.spmc
order by sum(a.spsl) desc
select '前20位单品 ' Col1, ' ' Col2, ' ' Col3, ' ' Col4
union all -----加上(: union all :)
select top 20 b.spbm,b.spmc,cast(sum(a.spsl) as varchar(20)) 数量,cast(sum(a.zxssze) as varchar(20)) 金额
from uv_saledetail a,uv_spbaseinfo b
where a.spbm=b.spbm and posid in ( '31 ', '32 ') and xsrq= '2007-01-13 '
group by b.spbm,b.spmc
order by sum(a.spsl) desc
服务器: 消息 107,级别 16,状态 2,行 1
列前缀 'a ' 与查询中所用的表名或别名不匹配。
------解决方案--------------------select '前20位单品 ' Col1, ' ' Col2, ' ' Col3, ' ' Col4
union all
select * from
(select top 20 b.spbm,b.spmc,cast(sum(a.spsl) as varchar(20)) Col3,cast(sum(a.zxssze) as varchar(20)) Col4
from uv_saledetail a,uv_spbaseinfo b
where a.spbm=b.spbm and posid in ( '31 ', '32 ') and xsrq= '2007-01-13 '
group by b.spbm,b.spmc) T
order by col3
------解决方案-------------------- select '前20位单品 ' Col1, ' ' Col2, ' ' Col3, ' ' Col4
union all
select * from
(select top 20 b.spbm,b.spmc,cast(sum(a.spsl) as varchar(20)) Col3,cast(sum(a.zxssze) as varchar(20)) Col4
from uv_saledetail a,uv_spbaseinfo b
where a.spbm=b.spbm and posid in ( '31 ', '32 ') and xsrq= '2007-01-13 '
group by b.spbm,b.spmc) T
order by case col3 when ' ' then 0 else 1 end ,col3 desc --這樣??