日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20586 次
--原始数据:@Student declare @Student table(Sid varchar(3),Name varchar(5)) insert @Student select 'S01','Jarod' union all select 'S02','Mike' union all select 'S03','Terry' --原始数据:@Learn declare @Learn table(Sid varchar(3),Cid varchar(3)) insert @Learn select 'S01','C01' union all select 'S01','C02' union all select 'S01','C03' union all select 'S02','C01' union all select 'S03','C04' --静态 select a.Name from @Student a join @Learn b on a.Sid=b.Sid where b.Cid in ('C01','C02') group by a.Name having(count(1))>=2 /* Name ----- Jarod */ --动态 declare @Cids varchar(100) set @Cids='C01,C02' select a.Name from @Student a join @Learn b on a.Sid=b.Sid where charindex(','+b.Cid+',',','+@Cids+',')>0 group by a.Name having(count(1))>=len(@Cids)-len(replace(@Cids,',',''))+1 /* Name ----- Jarod */
declare @t1 table(sid varchar(10), name varchar(20)) insert into @t1 select 'S01', 'Jarod' insert into @t1 select 'S02', 'Mike' insert into @t1 select 'S03', 'Terry' declare @t2 table(Cid varchar(10), name varchar(20)) insert into @t2 select 'C01', '高等数学' insert into @t2 select 'C02', '英语' insert into @t2 select 'C03', '操作系统' insert into @t2 select 'C04', '数据结构' declare @t3 table(sid varchar(10), Cid varchar(20)) insert into @t3 select 'S01','C01' insert into @t3 select 'S01','C02' insert into @t3 select 'S01','C03' insert into @t3 select 'S02','C01' insert into @t3 select 'S03','C04' select (select name from @t1 where sid=a.sid) from @t3 a where sid in (select sid from @t3 where cid='c01') and cid='c02'
select name from 学生表 a
where exists(select * from learn where sid=a.sid and cid='C01')
and exists(select * from learn where sid=a.sid and cid='C02')