日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20636 次

在sql server 2000中,如何只返回指定部分的数据?

select identity(int,1,1) as rownumber * into # from 表名

select * from # where rownumber between 100 and 150
-- 例子 --
create table tab(c varchar(10),c1 varchar(10))
insert tab
select 'aa ', 'aa '
union select 'bb ', 'aa '
union select 'cc ', 'aa '
union select 'dd ', 'aa '
union select 'ee ', 'aa '
union select 'ff ', 'aa '
union select 'gg ', 'aa '
union select 'hh ', 'aa '
union select 'ii ', 'aa '
union select 'jj ', 'aa '
union select 'kk ', 'aa '
union select 'll ', 'aa '
union select 'mm ', 'aa '

select identity(int,1,1) as rownumber, * into # from tab

select * from # where rownumber between 3 and 5

drop table tab,#

select top m * from tablename where id not in (select top n * from tablename)

select top m * into 临时表(或表变量) from tablename order by columnname -- 将top m笔插入
set rowcount n
select * from 表变量 order by columnname desc

select top n * from
(select top m * from tablename order by columnname) a
order by columnname desc

select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename

select * from #temp where id0 > =n and id0 <= m

如果你在执行select identity(int) id0,* into #temp from tablename这条语句的时候报错,那是因为你的DB中间的select into/bulkcopy属性没有打开要先执行:
exec sp_dboption 你的DB名字, 'select into/bulkcopy ',true

select * from tablename where identitycol between n and m

--按department分组取 第2 ~ 3条
declare @t table(idno int,name varchar(20),salary int,department varchar(50))
insert @t
select 1, '张一 ',100, '财务部 ' union all
select 2, '张二 ',200, '财务部 ' union all
select 3, '张三 ',300, '财务部 ' union all
select 4, '张四 ',400, '财务部 ' union all
select 5, '张五 ',100, '生产部 ' union all
select 6, '张六 ',200, '生产部 ' union all
select 7, '张七 ',300, '生产部 ' union all
select 8, '张八 ',400, '生产部 '

select * from
select * from @t x
where salary in
(select top 3 salary from @t y where y.department = x.department order by salary desc)
) z
where salary in
(select top 2 salary from
select * from @t x
where salary in
(select top 3 salary from @t y where y.department = x.department order by salary desc)
) p
where p.department = z.department order by salary)

idno name salary department
2 张二 200 财务部
3 张三 300 财务部
6 张六 200 生产部
7 张七 300 生产部

select top 50 from tb where id not in(select top 100 id from tb)