日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20648 次

高分悬赏! SQL去除重复项!
ID1             ID2
15 17
15 18
16 19

ID1             ID2
15 17
16 19


declare @t table(ID1 int,ID2 int)
insert @t
select 15, 17 union all
select 15, 18 union all
select 16, 19

select * from @t as a where not exists(select 1 from @t where ID1 = a.ID1 and ID2 < a.ID2)

----------- -----------
15 17
16 19

declare @t table(ID1 int,ID2 int)
insert @t
select 15, 17 union all
select 15, 18 union all
select 16, 19

select * from @t as a where not exists(select 1 from @t where ID1 = a.ID1 and ID2 < a.ID2)
select * from @t as a where ID2 = (select min(ID2) from @t where ID1 = a.ID1)
select a.* from @t as a
INNER JOIN (select ID1, min(ID2) as ID2 from @t group by ID1) as b
on a.ID1 = b.ID1 and a.ID2 = b.ID2

----------- -----------
15 17
16 19

create table test(id1 int,id2 int)
insert test select 15,17
union all select 15,18
union all select 16,19

select id1,min(id2) id2 from test group by id1

drop table test

15 17
16 19

select * from @t as a where not exists(select 1 from @t where ID1 = a.ID1 and ID2 < a.ID2)
这句里面的子查询select 1 from @t where ID1 = a.ID1 and ID2 < a.ID2中
为什么写成select 1 而不写成select * 呢?这个有什么区别
如果表不止2列的話,binglengdexin2() 的方法就行不通了

所以還是hellowork(一两清风) 的方法更通用,呵呵

select * from tbl a
where not exists(select 1 from tbl where a.id1=id1 and a.id2> id2 )