delete from
from osrd a
where a.myid !=
(select max(myid) from osrd b where b.ItemCode=a.ItemCode and b.DocType=a.DocType and b.DocEntry=a.DocEntry and b.DocLineNum=a.DocLineNum)
服务器: 消息 156,级别 15,状态 1,行 2
在关键字 'from ' 附近有语法错误。
------解决方案--------------------delete from osrd a
where a.myid !=
(select max(myid) from osrd b where b.ItemCode=a.ItemCode and b.DocType=a.DocType and b.DocEntry=a.DocEntry and b.DocLineNum=a.DocLineNum)
------解决方案--------------------delete from
from osrd a
两个from ,笔误?
------解决方案--------------------多了個from ,將前面的那個from改為a
delete a from
from osrd a
where exists
(select max(myid) from osrd b where b.ItemCode=a.ItemCode and b.DocType=a.DocType and b.DocEntry=a.DocEntry and b.DocLineNum=a.DocLineNum and myid> a.myid)