create table vote
vid int identity(1,1) primary key,
num tinyint not null,
name varchar(10) not null,
t1 tinyint not null,
t2 tinyint not null,
t3 tinyint not null,
t4 tinyint not null,
t5 tinyint not null,
t6 tinyint not null,
t7 tinyint not null
我的问题是从别的表中用select语句得到t1-t7的字段,可是num和name字段不想用select语句得到,而是用一个指定的值,比如说num我给它的值是88,而name的值我就指定为 '张三 ',我写的是:
insert into vote 88, '张三 ',select top 10000 t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7 from ok where zong between 95 and 115 and t1 in(5,6) and t2 in(10,11,13,15) and t3 in(13,15,16,18) and t4 in(18,20,22,23) and t5 in(22,24,25,28) and t6 in(26,27,29,31,33) and t7 in(13) and dan between 2 and 5 and shuang between 2 and 5
------解决方案--------------------insert into vote select top 10000 88, '张三 ',t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7 from ok where zong between 95 and 115 and t1 in(5,6) and t2 in(10,11,13,15) and t3 in(13,15,16,18) and t4 in(18,20,22,23) and t5 in(22,24,25,28) and t6 in(26,27,29,31,33) and t7 in(13) and dan between 2 and 5 and shuang between 2 and 5
------解决方案--------------------insert into vote select top 10000 88, '张三 ', t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7 from ok where zong between 95 and 115 and t1 in(5,6) and t2 in(10,11,13,15) and t3 in(13,15,16,18) and t4 in(18,20,22,23) and t5 in(22,24,25,28) and t6 in(26,27,29,31,33) and t7 in(13) and dan between 2 and 5 and shuang between 2 and 5