日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20598 次

第N+1条记录中的CreateDateTime   -   第N条记录中的CreateDateTime总是大于一个常数M?


select a.CreateDateTime from 表 a
right join
select top 1 aa.CreateDateTime from 表 aa
where aa.CreateDateTime < a.CreateDateTime
order by aa.CreateDateTime desc
) b
on b.CreateDateTime-a.CreateDateTime> M

用里面的子查询来找到离N+1条记录最近的那条,作为第N条记录,然后用 right join做连接,条件是> M


select a.CreateDateTime from 表 a
where not exists
(select 1 from 表 b
where b.CreateDateTime < a.CreateDateTime
and b.CreateDateTime > a.b.CreateDateTime-M )


create table T(ID int, CreateDateTime datetime)
insert T select 2, '2007-1-2 10:10:000 '
insert T select 4, '2007-1-2 18:11:000 '
insert T select 5, '2007-1-4 19:20:000 '
insert T select 7, '2007-1-4 14:10:000 '
insert T select 10, '2007-1-4 10:16:000 '
insert T select 12, '2007-1-6 15:15:000 '

select * from T as A
where (select top 1 datediff(minute, A.CreateDateTime, CreateDateTime) from T where ID> A.ID order by ID)> 10
order by ID
select a.CreateDateTime from 表 a
where not exists
(select 1 from 表 b
where cast(b.CreateDateTime as float) < cast(a.CreateDateTime as float)
and cast(b.CreateDateTime as float) > cast(a.CreateDateTime as float)-M )
把表結構, 數據和想要的結果貼出來看看
借用marco08(天道酬勤) 的表~

create table T(ID int, CreateDateTime datetime)
insert T select 2, '2007-1-2 10:10:000 '
insert T select 4, '2007-1-2 18:11:000 '
insert T select 5, '2007-1-4 19:20:000 '
insert T select 7, '2007-1-4 14:10:000 '
insert T select 10, '2007-1-4 10:16:000 '
insert T select 12, '2007-1-6 15:15:000 '

select * from T a RIGHT JOIN T b ON b.ID=(select min(ID) FROM T where ID> a.ID)
where DATEDIFF(day,a.CreateDateTime,b.CreateDateTime)> 1(> 1天,分钟、小时改 DATEDIFF(day,a.CreateDateTime,b.CreateDateTime)> 1)


select *
from test t
where datediff(mi,(select max(CreateDateTime)from test where id <t.id),CreateDateTime) <60--60分的范围定义就行了
datediff(mi,CreateDateTime,(select min(CreateDateTime)from test where id> t.id)) <60--60分的范围定义就行了

declare @test table (ID int, CreateDateTime datetime)
insert @test select 2, '2007-1-2 10:10:000 '
union all select 4, '2007-1-2 18:11:000 '
union all select 5, '2007-1-4 19:20:000 '
union all select 7, '2007-1-4 14:10:000 '
union all select 10, '2007-1-4 10:16:000 '
union all select 12, '2007-1-6 15:15:000 '