日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20646 次

SQL code

declare @tmp table (id1 int identity(1,1),id int,nid int,fday int,fexp nvarchar(50))
declare @tmp1 table (id int)
insert into @tmp (id,nid,fday,fexp)
select 1,0,1,'业务'
union all select 1,0,1,'业务' union all select 1,0,1,'业务'
union all select 1,0,2,'业务' union all select 1,0,2,'业务'
union all select 1,0,2,'业务' union all select 1,0,2,'业务'
union all select 1,0,3,'业务' union all select 1,0,3,'业务'
union all select 1,0,5,'业务' union all select 1,0,5,'业务'
union all select 1,0,5,'业务' union all select 1,0,8,'业务'
union all select 1,0,8,'业务' union all select 1,0,8,'业务'
union all select 1,0,8,'业务' union all select 1,0,9,'业务'
union all select 1,0,9,'业务' union all select 1,0,10,'业务'
union all select 1,0,10,'业务' union all select 1,0,10,'业务'
union all select 1,0,11,'业务' union all select 1,0,12,'业务'
union all select 1,0,12,'业务' union all select 1,0,12,'业务'
union all select 1,1,1,'本日发生额与余额' union all select 1,1,2,'本日发生额与余额'
union all select 1,1,3,'本日发生额与余额' union all select 1,1,5,'本日发生额与余额'
union all select 1,1,8,'本日发生额与余额' union all select 1,1,9,'本日发生额与余额'
union all select 1,1,10,'本日发生额与余额' union all select 1,1,11,'本日发生额与余额'
union all select 1,1,12,'本日发生额与余额' union all select 1,2,31,'本月发生额与余额'
insert into @tmp1 values (1)

select a.id,a.id1,count(*) nid
from @tmp a,@tmp b,@tmp1 c
where a.id=b.id and a.id=c.id and (a.fday>b.fday or a.fday=b.fday and a.nid>b.nid or a.fday=b.fday and a.nid=b.nid and a.id1>=b.id1)
group by a.id,a.id1
order by 1,3

update aa
set nid=bb.nid
from @tmp aa,
   ( select a.id,a.id1,count(*) nid
from @tmp a,@tmp b,@tmp1 c
where a.id=b.id and a.id=c.id and (a.fday>b.fday or a.fday=b.fday and a.nid>b.nid or a.fday=b.fday and a.nid=b.nid and a.id1>=b.id1)
group by a.id,a.id1) bb
where aa.id=bb.id and aa.id1=bb.id1
select * from @tmp order by id,nid

SQL code

id          id1         nid
----------- ----------- -----------
1           1           1
1           2           2
1           3           3
1           26          4
1           4           5
1           5           6
1           6           7
1           7           8
1           27          9
1           8           10
1           9           11
1           28          12
1           10          13
1           11          14
1           12          15
1           29          16
1           13          17
1           14          18
1           15          19
1           16          20
1           30          21
1           17          22
1           18          23
1           31          24
1           19          25
1           20          26
1           21          27
1           32          28
1           22          29
1           33          30
1           23          31
1           24          32
1           25          33
1           34          34
1           35          35

(35 行受影响)

(35 行受影响)

id1         id          nid         fday        fexp
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------
1           1           1           1           业务
2           1           2           1           业务
3           1           2           1           业务
26          1           2           1           本日发生额与余额
27          1           5           2           本日发生额与余额
4           1           5           2           业务
5           1           5           2           业务
6           1           5           2           业务
7           1           5           2           业务
8           1           10          3           业务
9           1           10          3           业务