日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20459 次
If object_id('tb') is not null Drop table tb Go Create table tb(ID int,GradeRange varchar(20)) Go Insert into tb select 1,'0,999' union all select 2,'1000,9999' union all select 3,'10000,99999' union all select 4,'100000,-1' Go declare @i int set @i=100009 Select * from tb where @i>=cast(left(graderange,charindex(',',graderange)-1) as int) and @i<=case when stuff(graderange,1,charindex(',',graderange),'')='-1' then @i+1 else cast(stuff(graderange,1,charindex(',',graderange),'') as int) end /* ID GradeRange ----------- -------------------- 4 100000,-1 (所影响的行数为 1 行) */
declare @table table (ID int,GradeRange varchar(20)) insert into @table select 1,'0,999' union all select 2,'1000,9999' union all select 3,'10000,99999' union all select 4,'100000,-1' declare @i int;set @i=2500 --25000 --25000 select ID from @table where @i+1>=left(GradeRange,charindex(',',GradeRange)-1)+1 and @i+1<=right(GradeRange,len(GradeRange)-charindex(',',GradeRange))+1 union all select top 1 4 from @table where @i>100001