日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20436 次
/*---------------------------- -- Author :feixianxxx(poofly) -- Date :2010-04-29 14:45:30 -- Version: -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (Intel X86) Mar 29 2009 10:27:29 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Evaluation Edition on Windows NT 6.1 <X86> (Build 7600: ) -- Content:同步2个表的内容 ----------------------------*/
--环境: --源表 IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Sources') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Sources; GO DECLARE @cmd AS NVARCHAR(4000), @i AS INT; SET @cmd = N'CREATE TABLE dbo.Sources(keycol INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'; SET @i = 1; WHILE @i <= 100 BEGIN SET @cmd = @cmd + N',col' + RTRIM(@i) + N' INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'; SET @i = @i + 1; END SET @cmd = @cmd + N');' EXEC sp_executesql @cmd; go --目标表(表结构和源表相同,字段名字不同) IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Target') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Target; GO DECLARE @cmd AS NVARCHAR(4000), @i AS INT; SET @cmd = N'CREATE TABLE dbo.Target(keycol INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'; SET @i = 1; WHILE @i <= 100 BEGIN SET @cmd = @cmd + N',col_t' + RTRIM(@i) + N' INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'; SET @i = @i + 1; END SET @cmd = @cmd + N');' EXEC sp_executesql @cmd; go --建立触发器 create TRIGGER trTongbu_SourcesToTarget on dbo.Sources for insert,update,delete as begin if exists(select * from deleted ) begin if exists(select * from inserted) begin DECLARE @i AS INT, @numcols AS INT; DECLARE @s varchar(8000) set @s='' SET @numcols =(SELECT COUNT(*) from syscolumns where id=object_id('Sources')) SET @i = 1; --找出更新的列 WHILE @i <= @numcols BEGIN IF (SUBSTRING(COLUMNS_UPDATED(),(@i - 1) / 8 + 1, 1) & POWER(2, (@i - 1) % 8) > 0) begin set @s=@s+','+(select name from syscolumns where colid = @i and id=object_id('Target'))+' = i.'+ (select name from syscolumns where colid = @i and id=object_id('Sources')) end SET @i = @i + 1; END --先将INSERTED表的内容导入另外一个表,因为动态语法不识别INSERTED表 select * into #test from inserted --只set 更新的列 set @s='update Target set '+stuff(@s,1,1,'')+' from #test i where i.keycol=Target.keycol' exec (@s); end else begin delete dbo.Target from deleted d where dbo.Target.keycol=d.keycol end end else begin insert dbo.Target select * from inserted end end go --测试: --插入: INSERT INTO dbo.Sources(keycol) values(1) INSERT INTO dbo.Sources(keycol) values(2) select * from dbo.target --删除: delete dbo.Sources where keycol=1 select * from dbo.target --更新 update dbo.Sources set col2=1,col9=10,col12=19,col87=99 where keycol=2 select * from dbo.target