日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20700 次

财务对账单 想实现 #TBL 期初以外的行(D=D+B-C)
create table #tbl(A varchar(max) ,B int ,C int,D int )

insert into #tbl values('1',9,4,102)
insert into #tbl values('1',1,2,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',1,5,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',2,5,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',3,5,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',4,5,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',4,7,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',4,8,0)
insert into #tbl values('1',5,8,0)

select * from #tbl

-------------------------------第二一下代码 想实现(表#tbl) D=D+B-C 
----------执行下代码会提示 ::
--消息 16931,级别 16,状态 1,第 15 行
declare @num int,@ii int
select @num=COUNT(*) from #tbl
set @ii=1
declare my_cursor cursor scroll dynamic for select B,C,D from #tbl 
open my_cursor 
declare @a int ,@b int ,@c int ,@aa int ,@bb int,@cc int,@dd int
fetch next from my_cursor into @a ,@b ,@c

  if @ii=1 
  set @cc=@c
  fetch next from my_cursor into @a ,@b ,@c  
  update #tbl set D=@cc+@a-@b where current of my_cursor  
  set @ii=@ii+1
  set @cc=@cc+@a-@b

close my_cursor 
deallocate my_cursor 

select * from #tbl

SQL code
IF OBJECT_ID('tbl_a') IS NOT NULL DROP table tbl_a
create table tbl_a(A varchar(10) ,B int ,C int,D int )

insert into tbl_a values('期初',0,0,102)
insert into tbl_a values('1',1,2,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',1,5,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',2,5,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',3,5,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',4,5,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',4,7,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',4,8,0)
insert into tbl_a values('1',5,8,0)

select * from tbl_a

-------------------------------第二一下代码 想实现(表tbl_a) D=D+B-C   
----------执行下代码会提示 ::
--消息 16931,级别 16,状态 1,第 15 行
declare @num int,@ii int
select @num=COUNT(*) from tbl_a
set @ii=1

declare my_cursor cursor scroll dynamic for select B,C,D from tbl_a   
open my_cursor   
declare @a int ,@b int ,@c int ,@aa int ,@bb int,@cc int,@dd int

fetch next from my_cursor into @a ,@b ,@c

    if @ii=1   
        set @cc=@c

    fetch next from my_cursor into @a ,@b ,@c  
    if @@fetch_status=0
        update tbl_a set D=@cc+@a-@b  where current of my_cursor       
    set @ii=@ii+1
    set @cc=@cc+@a-@b

close my_cursor   
deallocate my_cursor   

select * from tbl_a