日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20761 次
select e.EshowName,e.id,e.IsJingTai,e.StartTime,g.ChGName,g.Id as CGId,d.Ding,d.Cai,e.zhangshangadd,(select count(1) from TEshowPic where EshowPicTypeNo=1 and TEshowNo=e.id ) as tucount from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.id in (select e.id from (select e.id from (select top 0 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1 and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and e.userno=1 and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as e union all select * from (select top 26 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1 and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and e.userno=1 and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as b ) e group by e.id having count(e.id)=1 ) order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc
建议你提供详细的资料: 例如表的结构,表之间的关系,测试数据,相关算法及需要的结果。 这样有助于我们理解你的意思,更主要的是能尽快让你获得答案或解决问题的方法。
这么多子查询,先把子查询放在临时表里 然后再从临时表里取数据
--这样看着累不累?? select e.EshowName,e.id,e.IsJingTai,e.StartTime,g.ChGName,g.Id as CGId,d.Ding,d.Cai,e.zhangshangadd, (select count(1) from TEshowPic where EshowPicTypeNo=1 and TEshowNo=e.id ) as tucount from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.id in (select e.id from (select e.id from (select top 0 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1 and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and e.userno=1 and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as e union all select * from (select top 26 e.id from TEshow e left join TChangGuan g on e.TChangGuanno=g.id left join TDingCai d on d.ParentNo=e.id where e.IsTag=1 and e.DelTag=0 and e.TBigSortNo=1 and (d.TypeNo=1 or d.TypeNo is null) and e.userno=1 and datediff(d,getdate(),StartTime)<=0 and e.SysCityNo=1 and e.TSmallSort like '%装备制造业%'order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc) as b ) e group by e.id having count(e.id)=1 ) order by e.StartTime desc,e.id desc