日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20664 次

id bh1 bh2 ----bh2是smallint类型
1 aaa 1
2 bbb 101

id bh
1 aaa-001
2 bbb-101
3 ccc-002

select * from ta,tb where bh1+bh2=tb.bh
由于ta中bh2是smallint类型,在tb 中bh为***-001时,bh2为1


select * from ta join tb on rtrim(ta.bh1)+'-'+rtrim(ta.bh2)=tb.bh
declare @T table(ID int,bh1 varchar(5),bh2 smallint)
insert into @T select 1,'aaa',1
union all select 2,'bbb',101

declare @B table(ID int,bh varchar(10))
insert into @B select 1,'aaa-001'
union all select 2,'bbb-101'

select * from @T a,@B b where a.bh1+'-'+right('000'+cast(a.bh2 as varchar(5)),3)=b.bh

create table #ta

(id int, bh1 varchar(10), bh2 int)
insert into #ta
select 1, 'aaa', 1 union all
select 2, 'bbb', 101 

create table #tb
(id int, bh varchar(10))
insert into #tb
select 1, 'aaa-001' union all 
select 2, 'bbb-101' union all 
select 3, 'ccc-002' 

select *
from #ta a ,#tb b
a.bh1+'-'+ case when len(cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10)))=1 then '00'+cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10))
when len(cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10)))=2 then '0'+ cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10))
when len(cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10)))=3 then cast(a.bh2 as varchar(10))

id bh1 bh2 id bh
----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 
1 aaa 1 1 aaa-001
2 bbb 101 2 bbb-101

(所影响的行数为 2 行)
select *
from ta, tb
where bh1 = SubString(bh, 1, 3) and bh2 = Cast(SubStrin(bh, 5, 3) as smallint)
SQL code

declare @T table(ID int,bh1 varchar(5),bh2 smallint) 
insert into @T select 1, 'aaa ',1 
union all select 2, 'bbb ',101 

declare @B table(ID int,bh varchar(10)) 
insert into @B select 1, 'aaa-001 ' 
union all select 2, 'bbb-101 ' 
select rtrim(bh1)+'-'+right(rtrim('000'+cast(bh2 as varchar(20))),3) from @t

select a.* from @t a,@b b where rtrim(bh1)+'-'+right(rtrim('000'+cast(bh2 as varchar(20))),3)=b.bh

SQL code

declare @T table(ID int,bh1 varchar(5),bh2 smallint) 
insert into @T select 1, 'aaa ',1 
union all select 2, 'bbb ',101 

declare @B table(ID int,bh varchar(10)) 
insert into @B select 1, 'aaa-001 ' 
union all select 2, 'bbb-101 ' 

select a.* from @t a,@b b where rtrim(bh1)+'-'+right(rtrim('000'+cast(bh2 as varchar(20))),3)=b.bh

SQL code
declare @ta table(id int,bh1 varchar(3),bh2 smallint)
insert @ta
select 1,'aaa',1 union all
select 2,'bbb',101
declare @tb table(id int,bh varchar(7))
insert @tb
select 1,'aaa-001' union all
select 2,'bbb-101' union all
select 3,'ccc-002'

select * from @ta a,@tb b where a.bh1=left(b.bh,charindex('-',b.bh)-1) and a.bh2=right(b.bh,len(b.bh)-charindex('-',b.bh))

select * from @ta a,@tb b where a.bh1+'-'+replicate('0',3-len(a.bh2))+ltrim(a.bh2)=b.bh

select * from @ta a,@tb b where a.bh1=left(b.bh,3) and a.bh2=right(b.bh,3)

id          bh1  bh2    id          bh