日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20501 次

物品ID 数量
1               100
2               180
3               300

物品ID 数量 批次ID
1               30           1
1               50           2
1               80           3
1               200         4
2               200         1
2               300         2
3               50           1
3               90           2
3               200         3



物品ID 总数量 数量 批次ID

create table A(goodid int,value int)
insert into A
select 1,100 union all
select 2,180 union all
select 3,300

create table B(goodid int,value int ,id int)
insert into B
select 1,30,1 union all
select 1,50,2 union all
select 1,80,3 union all
select 1,200,4 union all
select 2,200,1 union all
select 2,300,2 union all
select 3,50,1 union all
select 3,90,2 union all
select 3,200,3

select 物品ID=A.goodid,
case when isnull((select sum(value) from B where goodid=t.goodid and id <=t.id),0) <=A.value
then t.value
case when isnull((select sum(value) from B where goodid=t.goodid and id <t.id),0) <=A.value
then A.value- isnull((select sum(value) from B where goodid=t.goodid and id <t.id) ,0)
else 0
end as 数量 ,
from A, B t
where A.goodid=t.goodid
order by A.goodid,t.id

物品ID 总数量 数量 批次ID
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 100 30 1
1 100 50 2
1 100 20 3
1 100 0 4
2 180 180 1
2 180 0 2
3 300 50 1
3 300 90 2
3 300 160 3

drop table A,B
create table #A(物品ID int,数量 int)
insert #A(物品ID,数量)
select '1 ', '100 ' union all
select '2 ', '180 ' union all
select '3 ', '300 '
create table #B(物品ID int,数量 int,批次ID int)
insert #B(物品ID,数量,批次ID)
select '1 ', '30 ', '1 ' union all
select '1 ', '50 ', '2 ' union all
select '1 ', '80 ', '3 ' union all
select '1 ', '200 ', '4 ' union all
select '2 ', '200 ', '1 ' union all
select '2 ', '300 ', '2 ' union all
select '3 ',