日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20622 次
create table tb(title varchar(100))
insert into tb
select '15ml Tapered Round Lotion Bottle' union all
select 'Rounds' union all
select '15'
declare @t varchar(100)
set @t = '15ml Round Bottle' --输入的字符串
;with t
select --v,
SUBSTRING(t.v, number ,CHARINDEX(',',t.v+',',number)-number) vv
select replace(@t,' ',',') as v
)t,master..spt_values s
where s.number >=1
and s.type = 'P'
and SUBSTRING(','+t.v,s.number,1) = ','
select *
from tb
where exists (select 1
from t
where charindex(','+t.vv+',',','+replace(tb.title,' ',',')+',') > 0
15ml Tapered Round Lotion Bottle
create table u01
(标题 varchar(60))
insert into u01(标题)
select '15ml Tapered Round Lotion Bottle' union all
select 'title1 15ml Round' union all
select 'title2 Round Bottle'
declare @x varchar(60)
select @x='15ml Round Bottle'; --> 文本框输入内容
with t as
(select substring(a.s,b.number,charindex(' ',a.s+' ',b.number)-b.number) 'w'
from (select @x 's') a,master.dbo.spt_values b
where b.type='P' and b.number between 1 and len(a.s)
and substring(' '+a.s,b.number,1)=' ')
select * from u01 a
where not exists(select 1 from t where charindex(w,a.标题,1)=0)
15ml Tapered Round Lotion Bottle