日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20560 次

GroupID     Hits           UserID
4 954 20
3 678 20
2 500 21
4 100 23
2 49 20
1 25 20


高手们,这能不能用SQL语句来实例啊????     拜托了,   谢谢!

set nocount on
create table test(GroupID int,Hits int,UserID int)
insert test select 4,954,20
union all select 3,678,20
union all select 2,500,21
union all select 4,100,23
union all select 2,49,20
union all select 1,25,20

select * into # from
select * from test a where not exists
select 1 from test where UserID=a.UserID and Hits> a.Hits

select GroupID from # a where UserID=
select top 1 UserID from # where GroupID=a.GroupID

drop table test,#

declare @t table(GroupID int, Hits int, UserID int)
insert @t
select 4, 954, 20 union all
select 3, 678, 20 union all
select 2, 500, 21 union all
select 4, 100, 23 union all
select 2, 49, 20 union all
select 1, 25, 20

select distinct(GroupID) from @t as a where not exists(select 1 from @t where UserID = a.UserID and Hits > a.Hits)
select distinct(GroupID) from @t as a where Hits = (select max(Hits) from @t where UserID = a.UserID)

declare @t table(GroupID int,Hits int,UserID int)
insert into @t
select 4,954,20 union all
select 3,678,20 union all
select 2,500,21 union all
select 4,100,23 union all
select 2,49,20 union all
select 1,25,20

select GroupID,Hits = max(Hits)
from @t
where Hits in (select Hits = max(Hits) from @t group by UserID)
group by GroupID
order by GroupID desc