name role signtime GROUP
dd admin 2001 1
dv Users 2111 1
sdf admin 2001 1
ds users 1955 1
dd admin 2001 2
dv Users 2001 2
sdf admin 1955 2
ds users 1955 2
name role signtime GROUP
sdf admin 2001 1
dd admin 2001 2
------解决方案--------------------select name,role,sightime,GROUP from t a where not exists
select 1 from t where GROUP=a.GROUP and signtime> a.signtime
------解决方案--------------------select name,role,signtime,[GROUP] from test a where not exists
select 1 from test where [GROUP]=a.[GROUP] and signtime> a.signtime and role= 'admin '
and a.role= 'admin '
------解决方案--------------------name role signtime GROUP
---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
sdf admin 2001 1
dd admin 2001 2
------解决方案--------------------name role signtime GROUP
---------- ---------- ----------- -----------
sdf admin 2001 1
dd admin 2001 2
select d.* from (select max(signtime) as signtime,GROUP from table
where role= 'admin '
group by GROUP) t,table d
where t.signtime=d.signtime and t.GROUP=d.GROUP
------解决方案--------------------select * from tablename a
where exists (select 1 from tablename where group=a.group and role= 'admin ' and a.signtime> signtime)
------解决方案--------------------select *
from c a
where not exists(select 1 from c where signtime> a.signtime and role= 'admin ') and a.role= 'admin '