name kc fs
A 语文 65
A 数学 66
B 语文 55
B 数学 86
C 语文 64
C 数学 66
A 英语 66
------解决方案--------------------create table student(name varchar(10),kc varchar(10),fs int)
insert into student
select 'A ', '语文 ',65
union all select 'A ', '数学 ',66
union all select 'B ', '语文 ',55
union all select 'B ', '数学 ',86
union all select 'C ', '语文 ',64
union all select 'C ', '数学 ',66
union all select 'A ', '英语 ',66
select name
from student
group by name
having count(*)=(select count(*) from student t where student.name=t.name and t.fs> 60)
Select * From TableName A
Where Not Exists(Select * From TableName Where name = A.name And fs <= 60)