日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20491 次
/*求两个数的最大公约数*/ create function GetGys(@num1 int,@num2 int) returns int --返回值 as begin declare @times int --计数器 declare @min int --存储两个数的较小者 declare @result int --保存结果 if(@num1>=@num2) set @min=@num2 else set @min=@num1 set @times=@min while(@times<=@min) --循环 begin if(@num1%@times=0 and @num2%@times=0) begin set @result=@times break end set @times=@times-1 end return @result end /*求两个数的最小公倍数*/ create function GetGbs(@num1 int,@num2 int) returns int as begin declare @result int --结果 declare @max int --保存两个数的大者 declare @times int if @num1<=@num2 set @max=@num2 else set @max=@num1 set @times=@max while(@times>=@max) begin if(@times%@num1=0 and @times%@num2=0) begin set @result=@times break end set @times=@times+1 end return @result end 最后测试: 运行 select dbo.GetGys(15,20) as 最大公约数,dbo.GetGbs(15,20) as 最小公倍数 显示结果: 最大公约数 最小公倍数 5 60赞同23| 评论
GO Create FUNCTION fn_num(@a BIGINT,@b BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @c BIGINT SET @c=@a%@b WHILE @c>0 select @a=@b,@b=@c,@c=@a%@b RETURN @b END GO SELECT dbo.fn_num(4294967294,3465465468)