日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20658 次
-->生成测试数据 declare @tb table([phoneno] nvarchar(20)) Insert @tb select 13008762222 union all select 13008764444 union all select 13008763344 union all select 13008763355 union all select 13008762233 union all select 13008761234 union all select 13008765677 Select * from @tb where ( replicate(right([phoneno],2),2) = right([phoneno],4) ) or ( (replicate(right([phoneno],1),2) = right([phoneno],2)) and ( ascii(substring([phoneno],len([phoneno])-3,1)) = ascii(substring([phoneno],len([phoneno])-2,1)) ) ) /* phoneno -------------------- 13008762222 13008764444 13008763344 13008763355 13008762233 (5 row(s) affected) */
select * from tb where substring(phoneno,8,1)=substring(phoneno,9,1) and substring(phoneno,10,1)=substring(phoneno,11,1) and left(phoneno,7)='1300876'