日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20551 次
select * from tb t where not exists(select 1 from tb where c2=t.c2 and c3=t.c3 and c1>t.c1)
declare @tab table
C1 int,
C2 nvarchar(50),
C3 nvarchar(50),
C4 int
insert into @tab(C1,C2,C3,C4)
select 1,'a','a',10
union all
select 2,'a','a',20
union all
select 1,'a','b',15
union all
select 2,'a','b',10
union all
select 3,'a','b',12
union all
select 1,'b','a',10
union all
select 2,'b','a',20
select C1,C2,C3,C4 from
select row_number() over(partition by C2,C3 order by C1 desc) as pg, * from @tab
) t where pg=1
select a.* from #tb a right join
(select max(C1) as C1,C2,C3 from #tb b group by C2,C3 )c
on a.C1=c.C1 and a.C2=c.C2 and a.C3=c.C3 order by C2 asc