日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20585 次
--前提:表中不能有text、ntext、image、cursor 数据类型的字段。 用CheckSum()最简单: select * from A where checksum(*) not in (select checksum(*) from B)
-->差集 select * from 表A except select * from 表B --交集 select * from 表A intersect select * from 表B
/******************************************************************************/ /*回复:20080519007总:00027 */ /*主题:数据比对 */ /*作者:二等草 */ /******************************************************************************/ set nocount on --数据-------------------------------------- create table [a] ([xh] int,[ksh] varchar(4),[xm] varchar(3)) insert into [a] select 1,'0102','aac' insert into [a] select 2,'0203','bbf' insert into [a] select 3,'0103','dse' insert into [a] select 4,'0104','sds' create table [b] ([xh] int,[ksh] varchar(4),[xm] varchar(3)) insert into [b] select 1,'0102','aac' insert into [b] select 2,'0204','bbf' insert into [b] select 3,'0105','dsd' insert into [b] select 5,'0106','rtr' go --代码-------------------------------------- select *,diff='a-xh,ksh,xm' from a t where not exists(select 1 from b where xh=t.xh or ksh = t.ksh or xm = t.xm) union select t.*,'b-xh,ksh,xm' from b t where not exists(select 1 from a where xh=t.xh or ksh = t.ksh or xm = t.xm) union select t.*,'ksh,xm' from a t,b where t.xh=b.xh and t.xm<>b.xm and t.ksh <> b.ksh union select t.*,'xh,xm' from a t,b where t.ksh=b.ksh and t.xm<>b.xm and t.xh <> b.xh union select t.*,'xh,ksh' from a t,b where t.xm=b.xm and t.xh<>b.xh and t.ksh <> b.ksh union select t.*,'xh' from a t,b where t.ksh=b.ksh and t.xm = b.xm and t.xh <> b.xh union select t.*,'ksh' from a t,b where t.ksh<>b.ksh and t.xm = b.xm and t.xh = b.xh union select t.*,'xm' from a t,b where t.ksh=b.ksh and t.xm <> b.xm and t.xh = b.xh go /*结果-------------------------------------- xh ksh xm diff ----------- ---- ---- ----------- 2 0203 bbf ksh 3 0103 dse ksh,xm 4 0104 sds a-xh,ksh,xm 5 0106 rtr b-xh,ksh,xm --清除------------------------------------*/ drop table a,b