日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20467 次
--生成测试数据 create table BOM(ID INT,PID INT,MSG VARCHAR(1000)) insert into BOM select 1,0,NULL insert into BOM select 2,1,NULL insert into BOM select 3,1,NULL insert into BOM select 4,2,NULL insert into BOM select 5,3,NULL insert into BOM select 6,5,NULL insert into BOM select 7,6,NULL go --创建用户定义函数用于取每个父节点下子节点的采购配置信息 create function f_getChild(@ID VARCHAR(10)) returns @t table(ID VARCHAR(10),PID VARCHAR(10),Level INT) as begin declare @i int set @i = 1 insert into @t select ID,PID,@i from BOM where PID = @ID while @@rowcount<>0 begin set @i = @i + 1 insert into @t select a.ID,a.PID,@i from BOM a,@t b where a.PID=b.ID and b.Level = @i-1 end return end go --执行查询 select ID from dbo.f_getChild(3) go --输出结果 /* ID ---- 5 6 7 */ --删除测试数据 drop function f_getChild drop table BOM
部门表 Department 字段( ID ,DepartmentName , ParentDepartment)
员工表 Employee 字段( ID ,EmployeeName , ParentID )
create function wsp(@ID VARCHAR(10)) returns varchar(500) as begin declare @i int declare @t table(ID int,ParentDepartment int,Level INT) set @i = 1 insert into @t select ID,ParentDepartment,@i from Department where ID = @ID while @@rowcount<>0 begin set @i = @i + 1 insert into @t select a.ID,a.ParentDepartment,@i from Department a,@t b where a.ParentDepartment=b.ID and b.Level = @i-1 end declare @sql varchar(500) select @sql=isnull(@sql+',','')+ltrim(id) from @t return @sql end go --调用: select * from Employee where charindex(','+ltrim(ParentID)+',',','+dbo.wsp(部门id)+',')>0
--测试数据 CREATE TABLE tb(ID char(3),PID char(3),Name nvarchar(10)) INSERT tb SELECT '001',NULL ,'山东省' UNION ALL SELECT '002','001','烟台市' UNION ALL SELECT '004','002','招远市' UNION ALL SELECT '003','001','青岛市' UNION ALL SELECT '005',NULL ,'四会市' UNION ALL SELECT '006','005','清远市' UNION ALL SELECT '007','006','小分市' GO --查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数 CREATE FUNCTION f_Cid(@ID char(3)) RETURNS @t_Level TABLE(ID char(3),Level int) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT @ID,@Level WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level FROM tb a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1 END RETURN END GO --调用函数查询002及其所有子节点 SELECT a.* FROM tb a,f_Cid('002') b WHERE a.ID=b.ID /*--结果 ID PID Name ------ ------- ---------- 002 001 烟台市 004 002 招远市 --*/
create table tb(id int, name varchar(10), pid int, px int) insert into tb values(0 , '栏目分类', 0 , 1) insert into tb values(1 , '动物' , 0 , 1) insert into tb values(2 , '视频' , 0 , 2) insert into tb values(3 , '老虎' , 1 , 1) insert into tb values(4 , '狮子' , 1 , 2) insert into tb values(5 , '搞笑' , 2 , 1) go --查询指定节点及其所有子节点的函数 CREATE FUNCTION f_Cid(@ID int) RETURNS @t_Level TABLE(ID int,Level int) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Level int SET @Level=1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT @ID,@Level WHILE @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN SET @Level=@Level+1 INSERT @t_Level SELECT a.ID,@Level FROM tb a,@t_Level b WHERE a.PID=b.ID AND b.Level=@Level-1 END RETURN END GO --调用函数查询id = 1及其所有子节点 SELECT a.* FROM tb a,f_Cid(1)