日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:21067 次
Create Table testa(t1 varchar(10),t2 varchar(10),t3 varchar(10),t4 varchar(10)) Create Table testb(t1 varchar(10),t2 varchar(10),t3 varchar(10),t4 varchar(10)) Insert into testa select 'hello','11','441','441' union select 'word','21','441','441' union select 'word','21','442','442' union select 'word2','212','442','442' Insert into testb select 'hello','11','xxx','xxxx' union select 'word','21','xxx','xxxx' select * from testa select * from testb select * from testa a where not exists(select * from testb b where a.t1=b.t1 and a.t2=b.t2 and a.t3=b.t3 and a.t4=b.t4)
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#1') is not null drop table #1 if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#2') is not null drop table #2 create table #1 (c1 varchar(10), c2 varchar(10)) insert into #1 select 'a', null insert into #1 select 'b', null insert into #1 select 'c', '1' create table #2 (c1 varchar(10), c2 varchar(10)) insert into #2 select 'a', null insert into #2 select 'b', '' insert into #2 select 'c', '1' insert into #2 select 'd', '2' insert into #2 select 'e', '3' --> 2005 很简单,不必担心NULL值得问题: select * from #2 except select * from #1 /* c1 c2 ---------- ---------- b d 2 e 3 */ --> 这是楼主提供的写法 select * from #2 a where not exists (select 1 from #1 where c1=a.c1 and c2=a.c2) /* c1 c2 ---------- ---------- a NULL b d 2 e 3 */ --> 看看isnull的写法,因为isnull的替换值无法预期,这种写法不完善,如c1='b'的纪录被排除在外: select * from #2 a where not exists (select 1 from #1 where isnull(c1,'')=isnull(a.c1,'') and isnull(c2,'')=isnull(a.c2,'')) /* c1 c2 ---------- ---------- d 2 e 3 */ --> 2000 select * from #2 a where not exists (select 1 from #1 where (c1=a.c1 or isnull(c1,a.c1) is null) and (c2=a.c2 or isnull(c2,a.c2) is null)) /* c1 c2 ---------- ---------- b d 2 e 3 */