日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20585 次

select sum(F_User_point) as gjpoint from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005' 
and Called_Station_Id like '00%' 
and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%' 

SQL code
select ISNULL(sum(F_User_point),0) as gjpoint FROM ...

select isnull(sum(F_User_point),0) as gjpoint from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005'
and Called_Station_Id like '00%'
and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%'
ISNULL(sum(F_User_point),0) as gjpoint
SQL code
select 'gjpoint'=isnull(sum(F_User_point),0)
from TB_CDR
where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005' and Called_Station_Id like '00%'  
    and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%'

SQL code
select isnull(sum(F_User_point),0) as gjpoint 
from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005' 
and Called_Station_Id like '00%' 
and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%'  


select case when sum(F_User_point) is null then 0 else sum(F_User_point) end as gjpoint 
from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005' 
and Called_Station_Id like '00%' 
and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%'


解决了 谢谢各位了

SQL codeselect isnull(sum(F_User_point),0) as gjpoint
from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005'
and Called_Station_Id like '00%'
and convert (varchar(10),convert(dateTime, h323_connect_Time),112) like '200803%'


select case when sum(F_User_point) is null then 0 else sum(F_User_point) end as gjpoint
from TB_CDR where Calling_Station_Id='0411990005'
and Called_Stati…