你的机器版本,和你安装的sql server是一种版本不,就是64位,后者32位的 ------解决方案-------------------- 看看windows上的错误日子和sqlserver的安装日志有没有什么报错? ------解决方案-------------------- 是不是安装过2008 SP1?或者visual studio? ------解决方案-------------------- 直接从开始的地方也打不开? ------解决方案-------------------- 网上的说法是重装这个Visual C++ redistribution ------解决方案-------------------- 这是原句:
A search for msvcr80.dll finds 31 copies, 3 versions and the only instances
of msvcr80.dll that ends 3053 are sat in WinSxS (x64 and x86).
I have uninstalled and re-installed the management tools and downloaded and
installed the latest Visual C++ redistribution both x86 and x64.
This error occured both before and after installing SQL 2008 SP1 and am now
out of ideas, any suggestions would be appreciated. ------解决方案--------------------