日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20620 次

1 2007-12-27 08:09  
1 2007-12-27 08:09 
1 2007-12-27 08:09  
2 2007-12-27 08:10 
2 2007-12-27 08:10 
3 2007-12-27 08:11  
3 2007-12-27 08:11 
1 2007-12-27 20:17 
1 2007-12-27 20:17 
2 2007-12-27 18:10 
1 2007-12-28 08:09  
2 2007-12-28 08:10 
2 2007-12-28 08:10 
2 2007-12-28 08:10 
3 2007-12-28 08:19  
1 2007-12-28 20:17 
1 2007-12-28 20:17 
2 2007-12-28 18:10 


ID date time
1 2007-12-27 08:09,08:09,08:09,20:17,20:17,
2 2007-12-27 08:10,08:10,18:10,
3 2007-12-27 08:11,08:11,
1 2007-12-28 08:09,20:17,20:17,
2 2007-12-28 08:10,08:10,8:10,18:10,



SQL code
create function fn_Times(
@Id int,
@Date datetime
returns varchar(200)
     declare @r varchar(200)
    select @r=isnull(@r+',','')+convert(varchar(5),[Time],108) from a where id=@id and convert(varchar(10),[Time],120)=@Date
    return @r

select Id,convert(varchar(10),[Time],120) as [Date],dbo.fn_Times(Id,convert(varchar(10),[Time],120)) as [Time]
from a
group by Id,convert(varchar(10),[Time],120)

SQL code

create table test(Id int,time datetime)
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-27     08:09'     
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-27     08:09'   
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-27     08:09'     
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-27     08:10'   
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-27     08:10'   
insert into test  select  3,         '2007-12-27     08:11'     
insert into test  select  3,         '2007-12-27     08:11'   
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-27     20:17'   
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-27     20:17'   
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-27     18:10'   
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-28     08:09'     
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-28     08:10'   
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-28     08:10'   
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-28     08:10'   
insert into test  select  3,         '2007-12-28     08:19'     
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-28     20:17'   
insert into test  select  1,         '2007-12-28     20:17'   
insert into test  select  2,         '2007-12-28     18:10'   

Create function F_String(@id int,@date varchar(10))
returns varchar(1000)
declare @v varchar(1000)
set @v=''
select @v=@v+convert(varchar(5),time,108)+',' from test
where id=@Id and Convert(varchar(10),time,120)=@date
return @v

select distinct Id,Convert(varchar(10),time,120) as date, dbo.F_String(Id,Convert(varchar(10),time,120)) as time from test

Id          date       time
----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1           2007-12-27 08:09,08:09,08:09,20:17,20:17,
1           2007-12-28 08:09,20:17,20:17,
2           2007-12-27 08:10,08:10,18:10,
2           2007-12-28 08:10,08:10,08:10,18:10,
3           2007-12-27 08:11,08:11,
3           2007-12-28 08:19,

SQL code

select id,convert(varchar(10),time,120) as date,
       substring(convert(varchar(20),min(time),120),12,5) as starttime,
       case when id = 3 and (select count(1) from a 
                             where id = 3 and convert(varchar(10),time,120) = convert(va