日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20798 次
select * from b a where not exists(select 1 from b where id=a.id and title>a.title)
select * from b where not exists(select 1 from b t where id=b.id and title>b.title)
select * from b a where not exists(select 1 from b where id=a.id and key <a.key)
select * from b a where not exists(select 1 from b where id=a.id and title>a.title)
declare @a table(id int,name nvarchar(20)) insert into @a select 1,N'力量' union select 2,N'往往' union select 3,N'饿额' declare @b table(id int,title nvarchar(10),key1 varchar(10)) insert into @b select 1,N'亲切','WW' union select 1,N'常常','DD' union select 1,N'爸爸','CC' union select 2,N'天天','GG' union select 2,N'哦哦','BB' union select 3,N'批评','NN' union select 3,N'可靠','MM' select * from @b g where not exists(select 1 from @b f where f.id=g.id and f.title>g.title) and g.id in (select id from @a)
declare @a table (id int,name varchar(10)) insert into @a select 1,'力量' insert into @a select 2,'往往' insert into @a select 3,'饿额' declare @b table (id int,title varchar(10),[key] varchar(10)) insert into @b select 1,'亲切','WW' insert into @b select 1,'常常','DD' insert into @b select 1,'爸爸','CC' insert into @b select 2,'天天','GG' insert into @b select 2,'哦哦','BB' insert into @b select 3,'批评','NN' insert into @b select 3,'可靠','MM' select * from @a a,( select id, title=(select top 1 title from @b where id=b.id order by newid()), [key]=(select top 1 [key] from @b where id=b.id order by newid()) from @b b group by id) b where a.id=b.id
select a.id,b1.title,b1.[key] from a left join b b1 on a.id=b1.id where (select count(1) from b where [key]<=b1.[key] and id=b1.id)= (select count(1) from b where id=b1.id)-1
select a.id,(Select top 1 title from @b where id = a.id) title,(select top 1 key1 from @b where id = a.id) key1 from @a a